

Daya Samrat Foundation is dedicated to ensuring access to high-quality and affordable healthcare services. Our "Food for Needy" program, where we provided food packets and water bottles to individuals affected by the Corona pandemic and their families, has been a source of support for marginalized communities during these challenging times. In the upcoming period, Daya Samrat Foundation will introduce several new initiatives. These include ambulance services for critically ill patients, health check-up and blood donation camps for underprivileged individuals, and educational sessions focused on promoting health and hygiene within the community.


Daya Samrat Foundation recognizes that education is the most potent force for fostering positive and constructive change within society. This transformation begins by fostering economic and social equality, facilitated by thought leaders, social reformers, educators, and experts who can generate opportunities, impart essential skills, and identify effective ways to empower individuals to become both employable and self-reliant. Our foundation is dedicated to advancing education for financially disadvantaged individuals by offering merit-based scholarships to eligible students


To support the Government of India's mission of achieving 33% land coverage with greenery, the Daya Samrat Foundation actively participates in various initiatives. These efforts include donating plants, organizing plantation drives, promoting cleanliness in public areas, and engaging in bio-recycling of waste materials, among others. The Foundation is dedicated to raising public awareness about wildlife conservation, the responsible use of natural resources, rural development, the utilization of renewable energy sources, and the protection and enhancement of our diverse biodiversity through both physical and digital platforms. Additionally, the Foundation conducts nature awareness camps for interested school and college students as well as nature enthusiasts.
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